Violet: South African culture according to THE LEWIS MODEL
According to the three-category culture model, established by Richard Lewis, South Africa is a country with a culture that is located in the multi-active category, although it also has characteristics of linear-active cultures. Fig. 1. The Lewis Model (color coding) This is so taking into account that, although most South Africans are considered very emotional, talkative, lively, charismatic, etc; There are also often groups within the same society that are much more serious and less sentimental or emotional, more diplomatic, and more interested in achieving goals that help them progress, rather than building relationships with other people. This is because South Africa is a country full of multiple cultures with different customs and rules. The mix of cultures present in this area of Africa provides members with many characteristics of multi-active cultures and and some of linear-active cultures: many people who are flexible in terms of their schedules and plans and some very rigid ...